Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hii again! We went back to the same onset (bath house) today so there's Internet again! And I have a full battery! Japan has been crazy! Like I said we stayed the first night in Mitaka a city that's sort of part of Tokyo. We explored for a while and lol our first breakfast was at... Mcdonalds! It was good though! Japan is sooo cool! There are vending machines litelly everywhere! On Monday we took an 8 hour night bus to Kesennuma! Not very fun at all! We spent tuesday recouperating and the volunteer center was closed on Wednesday so we explored a little! We visited a tree that had lasted the tsunami and had become something of a symbol of hope for the Japanese people. It was touching and eye opening. This was the first we had encountered the devastation that still persists after all this time! There are piles and piles of rubble and cars stacked on top of each other, houses ranging from almost in tact to completely destroyed! It's so sad! But it's also a very real remnder of why were here and also to keep praying for the Japanese people who have been devistated.

On Thursday we started volunteering at a hotel in Kesennuma. We dug out mud from the back and searched for bits of garbage amongst the rocks. It was hard work and we got very dirty! I have never been so excited to visit the onsen! (although I get increasingly more excited every volunteer day!)

Yesterday we visited a very nice house by the shore that was completely trashed with debris. We were in the merciless sun all day and yes that is where I got my atrocious sun burn! It was cool though because halfway through the day a big group of Japanese people came to help and we got to talk with them while we worked! I heard many stories and met many people! One girl was in Kesennuma when the earthquake and tsunami hit, living with her grandparents. Her grandp was in a wheelchair so she struggled to pull him up the stairs to safety. Right when she was going to give up, the water stopped and both her and her grandpa survived! We told her that God had protected her and her family and she agreed. After we volunteered we went to dinner and I learned a very important lession! The round black thing on a Japanese plate is called a hot plate and you do NOT touch it! Ever! Thankfully, God is keeping an eye on me and the nasty burn on my finger is healing VERY fast! As well as the burns on my arms!

Today we went back to the hotel, we've formed a friendship with the owner, Katou-San. She was with her guests when the tsunami hit and she and her guests ran to the mountain while the waves rushed towards them. She said the tops of the waves were on fire! She is very grateful to be alive! She is currently living in a room on the third floor of her hotel,which was mostly uneffected, but she hasn't had electricity sincethe earthquake! She is very happy though, and very nice! Today she bought us Popsicles and iced coffee! We worked hard shoveling out rubble from the inside of the first floor and tearing out decaying drywall! It was hard work but at least we were out of the sun!

The house were staying at is AMAZING! I don't have a picture now, but it's beautiful and old! I'm running out of time now, but I'll post again when I can! Lots of love!
Ps sorry there's no pictures! I haven't figured it out and I'm out of time! Later!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are using muscles you don't generally use while writing papers for college, eh?

    Are the bugs as bad as you were told? Other than McD's, what have you eatten? Any sushi yet? With no electricity, how do people keep food?

    Keep safe...and stay away from waves with fire on them. I think you have been burnt enough.
